
My name is Enrica Rinintya Wibisono, you can just call me Chacha. Born in July25,1988.
I live in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I’m now studying at The Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, on my 4th year of study ( I entered in 2005). I live through architecture and would like to learn much more knowledge in this scope 🙂 it’s now has become a hobby , since I first started my study. And can not ignore how much
I love travelling 🙂

Coincidentally, Melbourne, Australia (5th grade of primary school-year 8 junior highschool), and Singapore also for a several times (one unforgetable moment was my Kuliah Kerja Arsitektur (KKA) with my friends from Gadjah Mada University), and last trip and the most magnificent so far, Osaka Japan as OUSSEP Student 2008/2009 (Osaka University Short-term Student Exchange Program) in Osaka University for one year.

Beside campus live, and travelling. I love music and photography, and arts and crafts.
So anybody who likes to share experiences and knowledge plus knowing me better, do stop by and say hello 🙂

Hope you enjoy my Blog! 🙂

  1. Hey

    I stumbled on your post about Metabolist Architecture. It was helpful to me…and I also like the theme you’re using for your blog, can you tell me what it is?

  2. thank you for stumbling in my blog gabriel. And I’m glad that it was a helpful article. The theme I am using right now is ChaosTheory. glad u like it too 🙂

  3. chacha……wah, kayaknya bognya nisa go international nih….
    ok….aq add diblogrollku…

  4. – Wah ini pasti calon seleb-Blog… kenalan dulu ah 🙂

    Salam dari arema 🙂


  5. keren..keren..keren..aku add di blogroll ku yah…maturnuwun..
    selamat berjuang menjadi arsitek !!

  6. for qolbi:
    makasih ya bi udah di add di blogroll 🙂

    untuk hmcahyo:
    terimakasih sudah mampir,, insyaAllah, semoga,,amiin.

    untuk ferlandoriza maherda:
    makasih juga udah di add di blogrollnya ^^ maaf ini sudah lama ga saya update,, terimakasih, insyaAllah tetap di jalur arsitektur!

    untuk semuanya kalo mau lihat postingan saya yang lebih ringan, dan bukan desain bisa mampir di


    terimakasih ^^

  7. kesini lagi untuk promo ini 😀


  8. Cool blog cha-cha, i like it. Dulu aku jg pake chaos theory, tapi dimarahin kakakku krn terlalu gelap katanya 🙂 tak ganti pake yg item merah sekarang deh. Tapi tetep aje gelap ye…

    But dark is cool right?

    Im nomaden too, but locally (masih di batas NKRI)… pindah2 ikut ortu pindah kerja.

    Minta nasehat buat blogku dunk, pengen go international juga nih, tapi my english were pas-pasan, jd campur aduk deh…


  9. Hi Cha..

    Nice to meet You..

    Your Experience in out of Country is more..

    you are an interesting person..(^_^)

    Let we share each other..

    1. hehehe..salam kenal..
      ini panggilannya mas siapa ya?
      joko? setiawan? setia? hoho,..
      pengen ke jepang juga? ^^
      maaf lama ngga update..saya sebenernya sudah sampai di jepang sekarang…
      salam kenal..

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My name is Enrica Rinintya Wibisono, you can just call me Chacha. Born in July25,1988.
I live in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I’m now studying at The Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, on my 4th year of study ( I entered in 2005). I live through architecture and would like to learn much more knowledge in this scope 🙂 it’s now has become a hobby , since I first started my study. And can not ignore how much
I love travelling 🙂

Coincidentally, Melbourne, Australia (5th grade of primary school-year 8 junior highschool), and Singapore also for a several times (one unforgetable moment was my Kuliah Kerja Arsitektur (KKA) with my friends from Gadjah Mada University), and last trip and the most magnificent so far, Osaka Japan as OUSSEP Student 2008/2009 (Osaka University Short-term Student Exchange Program) in Osaka University for one year.

Beside campus live, and travelling. I love music and photography, and arts and crafts.
So anybody who likes to share experiences and knowledge plus knowing me better, do stop by and say hello 🙂

Hope you enjoy my Blog! 🙂